A Note From the Pastor’s Desk…
In 2010, God called us to establish and Pastor a ministry, “Kingdom Ministries of North Carolina.” Our focal outreach is “His Place Worship Center,” a multi-racial; non-denominational fellowship, presently located at 1423 US Hwy 70 West, behind McDowell Glass, in Marion, North Carolina. At “His Place,” our vision is to allow the Holy Spirit to create an atmosphere of worship as a dwelling place for God to tabernacle with His people.
Our desire is to see souls saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, delivered, healed and set free from addiction. We are all about building God’s Kingdom, changing lives, and building disciples.
Our emphasis is Praise and Worship and the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. “His Place” is where people of all denominations, races, and generations can hang out and experience the sweet presence of the Lord. We believe the Kingdom of God is not about going to a church service; it is about serving others, and becoming God’s hands and heart through times of fellowship, bible study, prayer, and outreach.
Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 A.M, and it is our heart’s desire to see God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost lifted up and glorified above all else. We are a five-fold ministry, and encourage anointed Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers to share their giftings during worship on Sunday mornings, and other special services. A nursery and children’s worship are an integral part of our worship services. As Pastors of “His Place,” our mandate is to help build bridges of unity between all races, generations and denominations so that God’s purposes and plans will be fulfilled in and through His Kingdom.
“His Place” does not focus on what you look like or how you dress. Come just as you are! God loves you and so do we. You and your family are always welcome at “His Place.”
Pastors Paul & Marian Boyd